The ABC of Europe’s Superfoods

School students from Czech Republic, Greece, France, Italy, Latvia, Portugal, Spain, and Turkey joined forces with the aim to put together a super-useful comprehensive guide of Europe’s superfoods.  The junior high-school team from Corinth in Greece sent me the exciting news and I was delighted to discover the high quality of the material that European students have curated and made available…

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Telltale signs your nails show about your health

[Guest blog by Safiyyah Lanier] Most women, and some men, frequent nail salons to give their nails some TLC. Nicely kept nails are always a sure sign that you take pride in your appearance. However, your nails say more about you than your hygiene and habits. Nails can indicate health problems that you probably didn’t know you had. Here are…

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Anatripsis: breakthrough massage technique gains enthusiastic reviews

Massage therapist Panayiota Lazaris was one of the very first people I interviewed when I was starting out as a TV reporter and her acquaintance has had a deeply transformational effect on my life and mindset, as it had on hundreds of other people that this charismatic healer has treated over the past 25 years. Her own innovative massage therapy…

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