How to make dark spots disappear

A new, amazingly effective product which uses an all-natural enzyme to fight dark spots has beauticians stunned since its launch, thanks to its phenomenal results. It repairs blotchy skin appearances, harmlessly and naturally, gracing the whole face with a uniform look, without excessive skin lightening or splotchyness. The name of the “magic” cream is Luminaze and, for now, you can find it exclusively at Nordstrom in the US…

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Lady Gaga uses mozzarella cheese as moisturizer

On the occassion of the pop diva’s participation at Europride in Rome, Italian media have reported that during her stay in Italy, Lady Gaga has asked to try real Italian mozzarella cheese, with which she moisturises her face and body. Lady Gaga was already known as a huge mozzarella fan -when it comes to food. “She prefers mozzarella to other types of cheese, because…

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