Shakira’s new haircut official first

Shakira’s new haircut official first

It’s been 6 months since we’ve posed the question “Short or Not” through PaulaTrendsets, as we were seeing short haircuts growing into the latest celeb trend. It was mostly stars in their early twenties who started the trend last summer and in December we were surprised to find out about Shakira cutting her trademark blonde curly hair to a short carre.   

Although she tweeted her first picture with short hair more than a month ago, yesterday’s FIFA Ballon D’ Or Awards Ceremony was the official first where Shakira showed her new haircut in the context of a glamorous event and the way she styled it was very much reminiscent of 40s glam.

Do you like Shakira’s new haircut or do you prefer her in her good old wild hair, which kept up with her untamed personality? 


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1 Comment

  1. Maria Thompson
    January 17, 2012 / 12:10 pm

    She looks more classy and grown-up with shorter hair in my opinion. However, i preferred the longer version, i think it defines who she is: a natural, free-spirited beauty! 🙂

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